Become a Coast Club Member

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This page can only be accessed by subscribers to the Coast Commander (Basic Membership) and higher tiers. Subscribe now to get access.

Welcome to the Coast Club, where Members enjoy exclusive content that is only available to Club Members.

Like they say "Membership has it's privileges."


Each month we hold a raffle to determine which Member wins any number of prizes from Coast Life Music which may include:

-Co-production opportunity with Sylence Soundz, owner and creative director of Coast Life Music

-1 hour artist consultation about the direction and focus of your music and career

-1 on 1 production lesson or beat break down by Sylence Soundz

-Personalized beat for any project of your choosing

-1 of a kind merchandise made by Won Off Customs

...and much more!


On top of the monthly raffle, Members will have access to exclusive behind the scenes content such as:

-Live beat making sessions

-Early access to music, art and merchandise

-Behind the scenes vlog about the creative process


Not only do you get all of these exclusive perks that come with a Coast Club Membership, you are supporting the Coast Life movement and are enabling us to continue bringing you the waviest art that we can!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!